Gorilla Trekking

Gorilla Trekking

Tick off your bucket list with this once in a lifetime experience. Get to enjoy up-close encounters with the apes and gorillas that mimic almost all human actions.

Paraa Safari Lodge

Experience Uganda’s culture and diverse wildlife during a luxurious stay at the Paraa Safari Lodge.

Location: Uganda, Murchison Falls National Park

Kibale Forest Camp

Kibale Forest Camp is an ideal location for chimp trekking with great food & spacious tent camping.

Location: Uganda, Kibale Forest National Park

Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge

A perfect abode for those who enjoy hiking and trekking.

Location: Rwanda, Volcanoes National Park

Sanctuary Gorilla Forest Camp

Gorilla Forest Camp located in a remote location that is ideal for nature lovers.

Location: Uganda, Bwindi National Park

Engagi Lodge

Enjoy one of the greatest natural scenery and landscapes. The Engagi Lodge offers amazing views.

Location: Uganda, Bwindi National Park

Mweya Safari Lodge

Choose Mweya Safari Lodge as your accommodation partner for an exclusive safari in Uganda.

Location: Uganda, Queen Elizabeth National Park

Lango Camp

Enjoy a relaxing stay in the Odzala National Park.

Location: Congo, Odzala National Park

Kungwe Beach Lodge

Rejuvenate your expedition experience to Tanzania with Kungwe Beach Lodge.

Location: Tanzania, Mahale

Clouds Mountain Gorilla Lodge

For the perfect peaceful setting, this is the accommodation you should be going for.

Location: Uganda, Bwindi National Park

Gombe Forest Lodge

Gombe Forest offers complete privacy and absolutely delightful atmosphere with ancient forest trees.

Location: Tanzania, Lake Tanganyika

Volcanoes Virunga Lodge

Volcanoes Virunga Lodge is a luxurious escape overlooking the volcanic mountains and twin lakes.

Location: Rwanda, Volcanoes National Park

Greystoke Mahale

Trek with the chimps of Mahale with other facilities by Greystoke Mahale in Tanzania.

Location: Tanzania, Mahale

Ndali Lodge

this homely lodge is located near primate-packed rainforests & makes a great stopover on a Uganda safari.

Location: Uganda, Kibale Forest National Park