Gorilla Trekking

Gorilla Trekking

Tick off your bucket list with this once in a lifetime experience. Get to enjoy up-close encounters with the apes and gorillas that mimic almost all human actions.

Gorilla trekking is by far the most exhilarating experience you can get. Even if you have been an adventure freak all your life and went on some of the most challenging trips, nothing beats the feeling when you stand a couple of feet away from a giant monster.

Gorilla trekking is only for the ones who dare to feel the extremes. It is one of the most unique opportunities you can ever get (not to mention that gorillas are endangered and face risk of extinction). That alone, should be reason enough to go see giant living mammals with strength that is unimaginable.


An average gorilla weighs about 800 pounds, and can reach a height of twice an average man. They have elongated muscular arms, which packs a powerful punch. Their natural built can shame even the best athletes and can travel quite fast. They share their genetics with monkeys and can climb trees or maneuver using strong branches. Gorillas are, in every possible manner, a sight you cannot miss. The sensation of seeing them live and without any proxy is a wonderful experience, one that will not only spike your vitals but also keep you glued to your ground in awe.

Gorilla trekking is not easy, which is why you need guides in the first place. Sometimes, it might take the guide a couple of hours to find and pick up their trail. Even if it does take time, you still experience the glory of scavenging wild mammals, which is a remarkable and fascinating experience. If you were ever inspired by adventure stories, then gorilla trekking will give you your personal adventure story.

If you feel you are up for the gorilla trekking challenge, then contact us. One of our experienced staff will guide you in planning your trip.